is it possible to refinance underwater mortgage

Is It Possible to Refinance an Underwater Mortgage

The answer to the question is it possible to refinance an underwater mortgage may be right around the corner for you. With a current home mortgage loan and some work, you may be able to refinance for less than the amount you owe. Keep in mind that lenders are often willing to work with you if you fall behind your payments. 

As may be expected, if you own the home outright, you may not be able to refinance for less than what you owe. However, keep in mind that many homeowners have lowered their monthly payments by a large amount using the process described above. Best ways to know all available options for you is to contact professionals at

What happens if your mortgage is underwater

Although you may not want to admit that you are in trouble with your mortgage, it is essential to keep in mind that you will potentially lose your home if you allow your mortgage to go into default or fall behind. Here are a few things to keep in mind when thinking about what to do if you are back on your mortgage:

Keep All Your Paperwork Up to Date

If you do have any overdue bills or other documentation indicating that you may be behind on your mortgage, you should make sure that you are current on all your bills and paperwork. If a lender detects that you are back on any of your accounts, they may delay your loan or may even take possession of your home if you are behind on your mortgage payments. By being current with your mortgage, you will help protect your credit and ensure that you can qualify for the loan when you are approved for one. 

If you let your mortgage goes into default, then your credit will suffer as well, and you may end up with a higher interest rate than you were initially approved for when you took out your loan. Your lender may also repossess your home if you are unable to pay off your debt.

Talk to Lenders Right Away

Before you talk to your lender about any possible options for your loan, you should make sure that you have asked many questions concerning your mortgage loans. If you did not ask the right questions when you applied for your mortgage, you might set yourself up for some unwanted surprises. A fair lender will want to know as many details regarding your finances as possible. They may wish to contact you to find out more information before they ever discuss any type of potential refinances options with you. 

It is important to remember that if you are thinking about refinancing your mortgage, you need to have everything else in order. You should never sign on the dotted line until you are confident that you understand how your new loan works and what your obligations will be.

is it possible to refinance underwater mortgage

Options if Your Mortgage Is Underwater

Options, if your mortgage is underwater, are loans for refinancing your mortgage. These options are available to homeowners with bad credit, but they require you to make an effort to obtain them. Your credit score and income will go a long way to determining which loan product you qualify for, and which companies offer these. The more payment that you have better options if your mortgage is underwater is for you. So whether is it possible to refinance an underwater mortgage depending on your credit score. The most popular options:

  1. Stay in your home and work to build more equity.
  2. Refinance your mortgage
  3. Sell your house to pay what you owe.
  4. Start the short sale process.
  5. Foreclosure on your home
  6. Bankruptcy

The best way is to check with your mortgage company to see if they are offering any refinancing options for your mortgage as well. It would be unfortunate if you needed a loan in a few years to catch up on your payments, only to find out that your mortgage has been turned down due to poor credit. 

is it possible to refinance underwater mortgage

Contact Bankruptcy Attorney

If your credit score is terrible, then it’s not possible to refinance an underwater mortgage. Contacting a bankruptcy lawyer to find out if you qualify for a debt settlement is worth looking into. However, you must understand the process so you don’t waste your time contacting a lawyer who won’t help you. The basic definition is that bankruptcy is when a person has too many debts that they cannot pay, so they file for bankruptcy protection to wipe out all of their debt obligations. This means that they will not legally collect any debts from anyone else, including creditors, so they are left without a way to get money to pay back what they owe.

There are different things that you can do to try and qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The most important thing you should do is contact your local bankruptcy court and schedule a free consultation with a representative. During this consultation, you should discuss your situation with them and determine if you are eligible. During the free consultation, you will be able to ask any questions you might have, so ensure that you take advantage of this opportunity. If your bankruptcy lawyer tells you that you do not qualify, you need to research the court rules to determine if filing under the guidelines will benefit you.